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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.

Name Your Pain!

How many layers shall we peel,

to bear our hearts unto ears that are but deaf to another’s pain,

how often do we walk into rooms of minds that see us on the superficial fringes of our dress,  leaving us unseen right down to the bones that have ached

it’s Nothing short of a Gift to be Vulnerable.

To Accept all that bleeds & give it a Name

Most times Naming one’s pain is perceived-

“Something to be Ashamed of”

As we’ve turned into a Generation of

“how we’re perceived”,

Rather than how we truly are.

We FEAR that we don’t fit in,

Yet why don’t we ask ourselves the need to be someone’s clone

So allow yourself to walk amidst clouds that are dark,

Smile even whilst you cry & fall

breathe that child that’s not afraid to share his heart

Prune that “so called image”,

that eats upon your roots,

Rather Grow into something beautiful-

Why Not Grow into You!

For No two life’s are meant to be same,

Until we Learn to Leave Behind Our Heart,

That turns Every Pain into Power with its Uniqueness-

“We Shall Let others Shame our Pain

& Not Show the Strength in Vulnerability by Giving it A Name”


Meghna Loke

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